MRL Capital Investment Portfolio

MRL Capital Limited is wholly owned by the six Lihirian clans Tinetalgo, Nissal, Unawos, Lamatlik, Nikama and Tengawom. The company is the Trustee Manager of the Lihirians Equity Trust and is responsible for the management and distribution of trust assets on behalf of the Lihirians. Its primary focus is to build an investment portfolio that is able to support the Lihirians after the closure of Lihir gold mine.

At MRL Capital the interests of the company’s beneficiaries is paramount. Investment decisions are centered around and geared towards achieving the company’s principal objective- the protection, preservation and growth of capital for its more than 14, 000 shareholders.

Guided by the Lihirian Equity Trust, the company is focused on acquiring long term assets, obtaining the most advantageous rate of return and developing inhouse expertise to manage these investments.

Investment Policy

OUR investment approach involves a clearly articulated strategy which defines the risk profile of the investment. MRLC’s investments are guided by its vision‐ “To create wealth, sustained economic benefits and financial independence to improve the welfare and standard of living of all Lihirians” which is articulated under its five year Strategic Plan.

MRLC’s central investment philosophy is to “Protect, Preserve and Grow” the assets of the company, guided by a clearly articulated investment policy.

Investment Strategy

We believe that Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) is a critical success factor in achieving total portfolio return. We therefore focus on ensuring MRLC’s SAA is suitable to both their risk tolerance and return expectations.

MRLC has adopted a Balanced Investment Strategy consistent with its vision. This ensures it allocates its assets strategically for both income and capital growth to sustain its operations and assets growth for its shareholders within the medium to long term operations of the company.

MRLC undertakes investments in all four asset classes: shares, property, cash and fixed income. By economy, it currently diversifies only into the Australian market apart from investments in the domestic market.